Online Guide to Theme 2 - Home
It is important to start informing your employees of the upcoming change as soon as possible. Change is hard for some, and allowing for plenty of time to 'get ready' can help.
The same is true for your users! You know them best, and if you feel they'll need plenty of advance notice to ensure they are not caught off guard when you flip the switch to Theme 2, now is the time to start.
Note: Many financial institutions that have already upgraded to Theme 2 reported great success by making the upgrade a non-event rather than running a large campaign. Many of today's users are accustom to user interface changes, especially when the overall functionality remains the same.
If you choose to do a full communication and campaign, you should begin communicating soon. Selecting a goal date for your FI's Theme 2 go-live event will allow you to work backwards to determine what and when is appropriate in terms of communication.
Use the following sample communication timeline as a guide to forming your own communication plan:
In addition to the ideas above, let your associates come up with fun and creative ways to get the word out to the users. Have associates mention the upcoming changes to each person they interact with in the branch or over the phone, or hold contests to see which employees can promote the new look and feel the most.
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