Online Guide to Theme 2 - Home

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The look and feel of NetTeller has been updated to reflect a design that is in keeping with today's standards.

Specific features updated include:

In addition, new style controls are available in Back Office for:

In addition to the look and feel changes, one new feature was added. Other than this new enhancement, there are no functionality changes to NetTeller. This was a user interface (UI) update only, however we continue to evaluate changes to the user experience (UX) as well.

The only UX change allows users to navigate their accounts more quickly. A hover menu has been added to the Accounts sub-menu. 

Development is underway to add hover menus to any option that has a third-level menu structure. Examples of these pages include:

The following modules/features were part of the Theme 2 look and feel update:

iPay Consumer Bill Pay also has a coordinated theme available to match your Theme 2 selections.

  When are the changes coming?

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